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Triplista App Email Marketing Policy

Last Updated: November 2, 2023

Triplista is committed to respecting the privacy and preferences of its users. This Email Marketing Policy outlines our practices regarding email communication. By using the Triplista app, you agree to the terms outlined in this policy.

1. Consent

1.1 Express Consent: Users who provide their email address explicitly consent to receive email communications from Triplista.

1.2 Unsubscribe Option: All email communications will include a clear and conspicuous option to unsubscribe or opt-out from future emails.

2. Types of Emails

2.1 Service-Related Emails: Users may receive emails related to their accounts, transactions, or important updates about the Triplista app.

2.2 Promotional Emails: Users who have provided consent may receive promotional emails containing information about new features, special offers, or other relevant content.

3. Frequency of Emails

3.1 Reasonable Frequency: Triplista will strive to send emails at a reasonable frequency to avoid overwhelming users with excessive communication.

4. User Control

4.1 Opt-Out Options: Users can opt-out of receiving promotional emails at any time by using the unsubscribe option provided in each email.

4.2 Account Settings: Users can manage their email preferences through the account settings in the Triplista app.

5. Third-Party Email Services

5.1 Use of Email Service Providers: Triplista may use reputable third-party email service providers to facilitate email communications.

5.2 Data Security: We ensure that third-party providers adhere to industry-standard security practices to protect user information.

6. Compliance with Anti-Spam Laws

6.1 CAN-SPAM Act Compliance: Triplista adheres to the requirements of the CAN-SPAM Act and other relevant anti-spam laws.

6.2 International Compliance: We strive to comply with international email marketing laws and regulations.

7. Changes to Email Marketing Policy

7.1 Policy Updates: Triplista reserves the right to update or modify this Email Marketing Policy. The date of the last update will be indicated at the beginning of this document.

7.2 User Notification: Users will be notified of significant changes to the Email Marketing Policy.

8. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about this Email Marketing Policy, please contact us at